Thursday, October 11, 2007

*YAWN* much to much more sleep to catch up

i think the bio exam today went well, studying last night helped a lot. i feel good about it. i have an A in there anyway, so no real huge worries.

on the note of yesterday's, emotional, post, i've resigned myself to the fact that i chose a relationship that comes with a lot of pain. but it's worth it. i have to keep remembering that. sure it's not perfect, but what is? there's no fun in life if it's all perfect.

i still have my doubts, but i'm holding on. they'll go away. they always do. ;)

and i think i'd like to blame the weather on my dismal thoughts. as much as i love the cold and abhore the sun...lack of sunlight and chilly weather does bad things to my emotions. ;)

mmm....need to sleep...and it's only 8pm...haha. well, first homework, then divine intervention. aka sleep.

Pressing on,
sorry if i scared anyone yesterday. my life isn't hard. i just make it hard. yay drama queens! lol
remember, over all i am happy...just...not completely...;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

abhore?? haha big word...yes sleep is good. i'm so tired these days...i need sleep too. but alas its only 8 like you said. i will try to go work on homework but then maybe i'll write some of stars in your eyes :) gotta pack too i'm going home. only 2 months until i get to see you again lol