Ok, maybe not the town, but the whole family seems to be talking about this. Wow. lol
So, I want to clarify some things. I'm in a stage of, discovery. Discovering the world, new things, knowledge, etc, but mostly myself. And, some of that is realizing the world isn't as beautiful as people want you to believe. It IS beautiful, but i'm sort of, stepping out of my shell and seeing things for what they are. Actually, that was me in high school. lol
Now I am trying to appreciate the world as it is. And I'm sorry if I shocked people by saying I was ashamed to be an American. I guess what I meant was, certain things embarrass me because I know parts of the world really look at that and judge all Americans based on that one bad thing. And there are plenty of good things going on, I won't deny that...but it's not publicized as much is it?
Anything I say I will get all this, oh, the world is wonderful, be proud of who you are, comments and such. And I am proud of who I am. I'm God's child. That's me.
I hate being categorized. If you know me, you might know that. Maybe I come from a certain gorup, but that group does not define me. Good and bad. I'm my own person.
The only thing I'm proud to be categorized as is a Jesus Freak. ;)
Anyway, sorry for shocking some of you. I guess I just don't see myself as apart of this world very much, so I'd rather be disassociated with it at times. ;)
Don't worry about me, in fact, I'll start my little piece on this whole episode, and post it here periodically. Then maybe you'll understand a bit more of what I mean.
In other news...
Okay day today actually. I did pretty well in art, though I drew the easiest thing possible. ;)
Still, the teacher said I made it look good. lol
In anthropology we started a film, "A Man Called 'Bee'". It's interesting to learn about this other culture and see how this man did his research there.
And, I got together with my Study Buddy for like 30 minutes. lol
He had to run and do something, but we went over the harder questions. He actually hadn't read all of it yet, and was very apologetic, of course I didn't care. It helps when I explain it to someone else. Kind of clarifies it in my brain for me. Hopefully we'll do well tomorrow. I understand more than I thought.
I think I'm well prepared for West Civ too. I hate essays though, and don't know for sure how I should write it. Not flowery, I know that, but maybe if I approach from the AP Eng angle, I can at least impress him with my skills. lol
Beagle time today. Just ended actually. He's home, no idea why. Probably one of his secret army things. lol. But he won't be around Friday. So instead of our normal time we had today, and then some time maybe tomorrow. It's nice. I miss him a lot.
The hardest thing about leaving home is not having that family to lean back on. My loneliness for Beagle has grown a lot in the past two weeks. Seeing Grandma helps a lot, but just walking around campus, I know that when I get home to my dorm, I'll be alone. And it's ok. But...even with my new friends...no one really knows me...and I need that security I guess so I don't get too...well...lonely.
It's that dumb grieving thing Peggy talked about. I go through the same stages as if someone had died when I'm seperated from Beagle.
And now my family.
But no worries guys! i'm doing great. ;) Honestly.
I can always be better, but things are going better than I thought they would.
I've hung out with the CC group at dinner lately, and it's really fun. They're so goofy.
One girl had to tell us this joke that the kids she babysits told her....
What happened to the Indian who drank too much tea?
He drowned in his own tea-pee.
*rolls eyes*
Ok...that's enough blabber for today.
*hugs and kisses to everyone*
That's one thing I miss...hugs...;(
Huggable and lovable,
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