Monday, August 20, 2007

UGH...and other sounds of frustration

So I walked to the wellness center, to find it is closed to 5pm today. Just walking there tired me out, then I had to walk back...ugh. So I scouted out buildings, but the weather is iffy right now, little sprinkles falling, though it feels great. My legs were screaming to stop, so after a lot of walking, I have obliged.

I am sure that all that walking made up for not being able to work out at the center.

Earlier today I had to walk around the fine arts building for a while. I wasn't sure if it was the right building, and then the entrance was weird. But, I got it. So, tomorrow is only Hist and Bio, which are relatively close. Closer than the wellness or fine arts buildings.
That's one way to keep the freshman 15 off though!!!

I went to pick up an app for a costume assistant job with the theater. The lady wasn't the friendliest person alive. Hopefully though, she will give me the email of the costume designer, as she said she would. I think that job would be great. If not, there's the dining center.

We met in buildings with people in the same groups for majors, and it actually proved useful. First freshman info thing I am glad I attended. lol
I got in a group with 3 other girls interested in psych with my psych prof. Our class doesn't meet until next Monday, but two other girls and I will be there. It was nice to talk to him, I think our group talked the most of all the psych small groups. I'm really excited. I could do research or other work with different research centers or hospitals around. I hope I can get into something like that.

For now, I am content to sit in my room, blog, listen to music, and eat grandma's cookies. No worries though parental units, history and bio are tomorrow, so i've started skimming the books. ;)
And I have to go by the library or any computer lab later to print out class syllabi.

I just can't wait to get in the swing of things, right now, things like a job are uncertain, and I could use the knowledge of having one. It'd help me get used to my schedule. We shall see though.

Adjusting, Chelle

PS I didn't realize you had to have an account to comment on this. My apologies. But I can survive without 23 comments every post. ;)
I'm pretty blogging for the sake of blogging, and keeping anyone interested updated.

1 comment:

Melodie said...

Can't wait to hear about that first clothes washing day. lol I can tell you are a great writer because I love your titles. Enjoy your first week of classes!